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Please keep an eye out for emails on updates on church services.  Please email us if you'd like to be added to these emails.

Visit 3 Bucks Churches on You Tube for regular online services:

Join in with the Church’s daily rhythm of prayer Monday to Saturday
  • Here are some resources to use:

    • A simple form of Morning Prayer attached (set up to print as a booklet). You can also pick up and take away a printed copy from each church.



Give to the church by standing order
  • We are committed to keeping up with our payments through this period, but our income relies heavily on collections taken at services.  If you are in a position to do so, we would hugely appreciate anyone who is able to give a regular amount per month by standing order. We are praying for all those who are suffering financially as a result of coronavirus, and that includes people in our own church family. Many thanks for considering this.

  • Please email us at for more details.

Take action to care for others where you live
  • Swap phone numbers with your neighbours - use the village telephone list

  • Foodbank support 

    • Please leave any donations in the phone box – this is collected regularly every week.

    • Or, donate financially to the Thame Foodbank: Via BACS to ‘Sharing Life Trust’; S/C: 30-98-56; A/C 01335266

    • Or, The Aylesbury Foodbank: Online at

  • Stay connect on village communication channels (email / website / social media) so that you are ready to offer and request help where needed.

Sunday worship – one body worshipping together from many locations
  • A service from the Diocese of Oxford will be live streamed every Sunday at 10am. As many of us as possible are encouraged to join in with this from home

  • Sunday Worship is broadcast every Sunday on Radio 4 8.10am. The BBC has also announced plans to show a service on BBC1 on Sunday mornings so long as resources allow 

  • We’ll send details on how to access these in a regular weekly email, and on our website,

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